meet the owner

Walter Williams

After conducting several months of research and discussing it with my wife and children, I made the leap to start A&E Transportation Services.  Many ask me where the name came from and the answer is simple; I have two boys and I named it after them. I am teaching them daily that what we do with our time, talents and resources matters. 

Spending time serving others is rewarding in many ways and builds character. 

Sharing our gift/talents of kindness, laughter and patience doesn't cost you anything but is invaluable to others. 

Financially investing in yourself while you invest in others is sometimes scary but fear should never hold you back from doing what you believe is the right thing to do. 

That is what I want our clients, families and my own children to know about me and A&E Transportation Services. We care, we desire to make meaningful connections and we are here to serve!